We are a collective of passionate trailblazers dedicated to shifting our world with horses, each other, and all life to the win-win-win ways we know in our deepest Truth, is possible.
To Be the change, we ignite individual genius, access collective intelligence, and actualize skills for thriving together. This is the Way of Herd.
We are a collective of leading edge change-makers dedicated to shifting our world with horses, each other, and all life to what we know in our deepest Truth is possible.
In order to solve the challenges we face, we must ignite individual genius, access collective intelligence, and thrive together. This is the way of Herd.
We explore key ingredients for thriving together. Through collaborative innovation webinars, podcasts, courses, live events, and in-depth herd visits, we study and grow herd ways to transform the potential of horse-human interaction.
We help each other develop Herd ways. We foster and feature leading-edge learning centers, each a unique expression of what is possible in thriving between humans, animals and all life, for other centers to benefit from.
We understand everyone has a unique and valuable gift to bring to this movement. Through interactive webinars, and live events, we ignite genius in you and your horse and provide the opportunity to share that brilliance to inspire the worldwide Herd.
We know connection is medicine. By training to enhance awareness and care of self and others, we become a more valuable herd member. Ordinary human-animal interaction is transformed into a playground of extraordinary co-rejuvenation potential.
Meet The Founding Herd
Penny Lloyd, D.V.M
Dr. Penny Lloyd, equine veterinarian with 36 years in ever-evolving practice, enjoys sharing how to connect deeper with animals and nature for mutual health benefits. After a lifetime studying various forms of medicine including acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, mind-body medicine, energy healing, shamanism, hooponopono, sound, color, and about every form of healing out there … Dr. Penny salutes the “way of herd” as the preventative medicine of the future. Staying connected to the source of well-being within ourselves, as we interact, is the new game in town. Augmenting one another’s gifts is a revitalizing joy we can ALL PRACTICE.
Gillian Shaw
Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. She is the author of "The Truth of the Horse" and presents a new paradigm in equitation, “Ride from Within” alongside her husband, international clinician James Shaw. Driven by the conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for greatness and limitless abilities, she recognizes horses offer us a path to unlocking that potential. Through webinars and live events, she assists ordinary people to walk the path traditionally reserved for a select few. Alongside her collegues at “We Are Herd.org”, Shaw's mission is to empower people to unlock their horse’s innate potential for vibrant health, greatness and intimate loving connection and by doing so, unlocking their own.
Tomas Teskey, D.V.M.
Dr. Teskey has deep roots in the American South West. The eldest son of a ranching family, he branched out into a botantical degree from Northern Arizona University in 1991 and bolted into Veterinary Medicine with Colorado State University in 1995. Initially interested in microbiological research techniques, he instead cultivated a heartfelt interest in holistic horse care. He has helped sprout 8 children so far, is the author of book "Insight to Equus", and loves helping others dig deeper into their own insights. He feels humans and horses are naturally curious about each other.
Tej Steiner
Tej Steiner is a pioneer in using ancient circle wisdom to support contemporary personal and collective transformation. He is the founder of Heart Circle — a process used to support awakening by people and groups around the world and co-founder of WE-powered. He is the author of the book and video series Waking Up with Everyone Around Us. For 30 years he has coached individuals and couples, and facilitated groups.
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© 2024 WeAreHerd. All Rights Reserved.
Meet The Founding Herd
Penny Lloyd, D,V,M
Dr. Penny Lloyd, equine veterinarian with 36 years in ever-evolving practice, enjoys sharing how to connect deeper with animals and nature for mutual health benefits. After a lifetime studying various forms of medicine including acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, mind-body medicine, energy healing, shamanism, hooponopono, sound, color, and about every form of healing out there … Dr. Penny salutes the “way of herd” as the preventative medicine of the future. Staying connected to the source of well-being within ourselves, as we interact, is the new game in town. Augmenting one another’s gifts is a revitalizing joy we can ALL PRACTICE.
Gillian Shaw
Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. She is the author of "The Truth of the Horse" and presents a new paradigm in equitation, “Ride from Within” alongside her husband, international clinician James Shaw. Driven by the conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for greatness and limitless abilities, she recognizes horses offer us a path to unlocking that potential. Through webinars and live events, she assists ordinary people to walk the path traditionally reserved for a select few. Alongside her collegues at “We Are Herd.org”, Shaw's mission is to empower people to unlock their horse’s innate potential for vibrant health, greatness and intimate loving connection and by doing so, unlocking their own.
Tomas Teskey, D.V.M.
Dr. Teskey has deep roots in the American South West. The eldest son of a ranching family, he branched out into a botantical degree from Northern Arizona University in 1991 and bolted into Veterinary Medicine with Colorado State University in 1995. Initially interested in microbiological research techniques, he instead cultivated a heartfelt interest in holistic horse care. He has helped sprout 8 children so far, is the author of book "Insight to Equus", and loves helping others dig deeper into their own insights. He feels humans and horses are naturally curious about each other.
Tej Steiner
Tej Steiner is a pioneer in using ancient circle wisdom to support contemporary personal and collective transformation. He is the founder of Heart Circle — a process used to support awakening by people and groups around the world and co-founder of WE-powered. He is the author of the book and video series Waking Up with Everyone Around Us. For 30 years he has coached individuals and couples, and facilitated groups.
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© 2024 WeAreHerd. All Rights Reserved.